
Maybe you know them by their roof and bicycle carriers. But did you know that the Swedish brand Thule offers much more than that? Thule started as a passionate group of outdoor people who shared their passion helping active families and enthusiastic outdoor folks. Probably that is why Thule has thought of everything and offers a wide range of outdoor gear to make everyone happy: from outdoor traveler or student to business traveler. Thule is famous for its beautiful backpacks, of superb quality and always lined with a counter color design. With a Thule your valuable belongings will be transported safely, easily and in style.
OUR STAFF’S FAVORITE ~ “Thule offers the strongest range I have ever experienced. Thule suitcases are beautiful, strong, large and continue to surprise you. ‘The best purchase I’ve ever made’, I must have heard more than 20 times. This shows why our customers often come back for their next Thule purchase.”
We offer Thule suitcases, backpacks and bags at Outdoor & Travel – Schiphol Plaza.
Selection of our current collection:
Many more products in store, it’s just a selection.
- Thule
EnRoute Black
- Thule
Aion Trolley Black
- Thule
EnRoute Grey
- Thule
EnRoute Mallard Green
- Thule
Rain cover
- Thule
AllTrail X
- Thule
Aion Trolley
- Thule
Aion Backpack